Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do you know where your thread is?

I do.

To be clear, I know where my thread is.  I have no idea where yours is.

My thread was in numerous baskets spread around the room.  I sorted it by type, estimated how many boxes were needed, and went to Barnes and Noble to procure some cool, collapsible, magnetic boxes.  I'd been looking for an excuse to buy some.  The boxes were available in two different prints.  This one was my favorite.

This is my Aurifil thread in one of the boxes.  Notice that the inside of the box is pretty too.  The thread is not in sunlight, which is a plus. 

I have two more boxes of Aurifil, one box of YLI silk, one box of Superior King Tut, and a small box of miscellaneous thread.   This is an announcement, not a confession.  I have no remorse about owning all this thread.  The barn red in the bottom left, the rust in the bottom center, and the dark blue are standard colors that I use frequently as a murky quilter.  The bright yellow and lighter blues are perfect for baby quilts.  The others will be perfect for something someday in the middle of a snowstorm when I can't get to a quilt shop.

I freely admit that I sometimes have to open more than one box to find the thread I want, but at least I know that, for example, all the blue Aurifil is in one box.  This is thread I used for quilting.  When piecing, I normally use neutrals. 

I machine applique with a blanket stitch.  That requires a good assortment of colors.  To that end, I also own five sets of Aurifil thread in smaller spools.

Don't ask me what I'm going to do when I empty some of those smaller spools.  The ones that empty soonest will be the ones that I used the most and therefore need.  It stands to reason that they will have to be replaced.

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